The Power of PLCs

Janel Keating


"Outliers in Education" is a project of CEE, The Center for Educational Effectiveness. Find out more at

Produced by Howell at the Moon Productions.

The Power of PLCs
Janel Keating

White River School District Superintendent Janel Keating wrote the book (in fact, quite a few of them) on the value and processes of successful Professional Learning Communities. In this episode, she outlines the keys to success and the potential pitfalls that educational leaders should be aware of as they strive to improve the professional practices of their adult staff in the never-ending effort to improve equitability and learning for all the students they serve. Most recently Keating is the co-author of "Leading PLCs at Work® Districtwide".


Finding the Silver Lining at the End of a Difficult School Year


Building Equity Online at Western Governor's University